miércoles, 17 de abril de 2013

the quantifers

 The quantifier (much, many, a lot of, few, little)
“Cinco oraciones de much”
1.      I have much time of wait
2.      Jane is making much soup
3.      Mary like to eat much
4.      I spend much time in my ho homework
5.      They spend much time playboy
“Cinco oraciones de many”
1.      Maria like to eat many apples
2.      I don’t have many painting in my flat
3.      I have many cars in my garage
4.      They have many watermelon
5.      You have many shoes
“Cinco oraciones de a lot of”
1.      In the park they are a lot of trees
2.      He the square there are a lot of lamps
3.      She is very friendly and has lot of friends
4.      I have a lot of money
5.      He is very friendly and has lot of friends
“Cinco oraciones de little”
1.      I brought little sugar
2.      I brought little water
3.      I brought little raise
4.      I brought little soup
5.      I brought little spaghetti
“Cinco oraciones de few”
1.      I have a few books in my house
2.      In the book y there are few books
3.      This bookshop has few books the history
4.      In the supermarket there are few vegetables
5.      In the city there are few traffic

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